Carbon Sequestration Technology Vital for Yellow River Basin Ecology

2024-05-10 16:52:56Source:China News Release VOL. 029 May 2024Author:Zhao Jianguo
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Zhao Jianguo checks the growth of sorghum on the saline-alkali land in Deshengbao Village, Xinrong District, Datong City, in 2023.

Editor's Note:

Currently, as we face global climate change and the relatively fragile ecological environment of the Yellow River basin, developing ecological carbon sequestration technology is crucial. This article will explore viable paths for sustainable development in the Yellow River basin with the goal of contributing to the ecological civilization of not only the Yellow River basin but the entire country.

Historically, the ecological environment of the Yellow River basin has sustained severe damage, leading to soil erosion, water scarcity, salinization of farmland, and various types of pollution. How can these challenges and problems be addressed? With the acceleration of economic development and urbanization, the ecological problems faced by the Yellow River basin will become increasingly serious, and how to solve these problems is indeed a test for the Chinese government.

At the symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin in October 2021, President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to implement strategic plans for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, firmly adhering to a path of ecological priority and green development. 

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