TCM Going Global: Opportunities and Challenges

2024-03-11 14:26:08Source:China News Release VOL. 027 March 2024Author:Tao Heng
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Editor's Note: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a treasure of traditional Chinese culture. Due to TCM's significant advancements in talent cultivation, scientific research and innovation, industrial development, and other areas, it is garnering increased attention from the international community. During this year's "two sessions," or the annual gatherings of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, held from March 3 to March 11, 2024, Zhang Boli, an NPC deputy and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, talked about the best way for TCM to expand internationally in a special interview with China News Release.

CHINA NEWS RELEASE: TCM differs from Western medicine in both its theoretical framework and methods of treatment. What function does TCM serve in the modern medical system? What special qualities does it have? 

ZHANG BOLI: Against a different cultural background, TCM does differ from Western medicine in terms of diagnosis and treatment concepts, and neither do their perspectives on people's health and illness.

Western medicine adopts a microscopic perspective, utilizing X-rays, MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging), and other technique means to observe changes in internal organs and tissues in order to diagnose the causes of ailments and develop targeted treatment plans based on anatomy, physiology and pathology. 

TCM, on the other hand, takes a macroscopic perspective, drawing from yin and yang, a concept that originated in Chinese philosophy which believes the balance of both elements in the body is vital for health. Based on this theory, TCM conducts a comprehensive analysis by observing physical signs such as face color, tongue coating, and pulse to determine whether a patient has qi (energy), yin or yang deficiency. Through continuous development over many millennia, TCM has gradually developed a distinct set of therapeutic approaches and assessment frameworks and has demonstrated efficacy in maintaining health.

Zhang Boli, a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

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